Adjusting to Progressive, No-Line Lenses in 3-Easy Steps

Progressive No-Line Bifocals gradually change from distance to near, with an intermediate area in-between. Some people call these “trifocals”, but that’s not totally accurate. Trifocals have lines, so they are more like going up and down a flight of stairs. Think of progressives as more like a ramp, where you can move up or down gradually. You might have to adjust to wearing them, but it’s worth it for the more natural vision you get.

Use these tips from Dr. Moody to better understand how to adjust to your new no-line progressive lenses:

  • You will feel like a bird the first few days as you move your head around to find the right area of the lens;
  • Give yourself 7-10 days to adjust – please let us know if you’re still having issues please after this;
  • After 20-years of explaining this to patients, it still took 3-days for me to adjust to my first pair.

Tip-1: You will need to move your eyes up and down to see clearly at various distances.

Design of a Progressive Lens

 The wide dark blue area at the top is for seeing objects at a distance. The power then gradually changes to the reading portion at the bottom. The light blue areas to the sides are used primarily for peripheral vision. The first thing you will need to learn is to move your head and your eyes up and down to find the clearest vision.

Tip 2: You will need to move your head side-to-side instead of just turning your eyes

Turn Your Head, Not Your Eyes

You will need to turn your head and point your nose when looking side-to-side. You can practice by holding your fingers out to each side and looking back-and-forth between them. Don’t turn your eyes like in the photo.

Tip 3: Be Patient - It Can Take Up to 10-Days to Get Adjusted

Adjusting Can Take Time

Some patients expect immediate results from their new progressive lenses. It’s more common for your vision to get better over the first few days to a week. I tell patients to wear their new no-line progressives for 7-10 days and to let us know if they are still having issues after that. Even if you have worn progressives previously a new prescription can take time for you to get totally comfortable.

Adjusting to Progressive No-Line Bifocal Lenses is Worth the Effort

Although few of us look forward to getting older and wearing bifocals, using these tips for adjusting to no-line progressive bifocals can make the transition easier. In the end,  your vision will almost always be clearer than with store-bought “cheaters” and you will perform visual tasks with greater comfort and less eye strain.